eCommerce Packaging
eCommerce Packaging is our forte here at Datec, we offer a diverse selection of some of the best ecommerce packaging to meet the ever changing needs of Internet shops throughout the UK. With a range of eCommerce packaging that is cost effective and can be tailored to suit your individual brand and business, it’s no wonder that our brands such as Tufpac® and Incognito® are fast becoming synonymous with E-commerce Packaging.

Our custom ecommerce boxes can be customised with your logo and message, in your style, and in a strength to suit your products. The perfect solution to really deliver your online orders in style.

Can't make the jump to custom ecommerce boxes just yet? Don't worry we have a range of standard ecommerce boxes in a range of styles and sizes, you can start off with plain stock versions and make the jump to custom printed later.

For smaller or flat items you may be better sending in a cardboard mailer. These mailers are design to send small to middle size online orders fast and very cost-effectively.

Our range of protective eCommerce packaging covers wrapping products, voidfill, and cushioning packaging. With new and exciting ranges to choose from like our paper bubble wrap and coloured voidfill options, you'll be sure to find that perfect solution for your products!

We recognise that many online shops have specific packaging requirements to get their orders safely to their customers. That's why we've developed a range of ecommerce packaging solutions that you can explore to help you pack your products better and faster.

Our range of Colompac® ecommerce packaging contains a selection of packaging that fast to pack with, multi-size adjustable and sturdy, so you can send your online orders quickly with the peace of mind that you are using a high quality branded product.
Sustainable E-commerce Packaging
Sustainable e-commerce packaging is packaging that is manufactured from material that is sustainably sourced so is more environmentally friendly. There are six different types of sustainable packaging that can be used for e-commerce.
FSC® Certified eCommerce Packaging: FSC certified packaging is packaging that is certified by the FSC chain of custody, this ensures that the material it is made from is sourced from sustainably managed forests.
Recycled Packaging: All recycled ecommerce packaging is sustainable as it uses recycled fibre in the manufacturing process.
Starch based plastic e-Commerce packaging: Using starch based plastics means the plastics used are from plant starch rather than oil based plastics. Plant starch can be grown so is a renewable source, much more sustainable than oil based.
UK Manufactured Packaging: eCommerce packaging that is manufactured in the UK is more sustainable because of the lower carbon footprint due to less transport involved in the supply chain.
Reusable eCommerce Packaging: Using reusable designs mean your packaging can be repurposed for a future life, it is useful for something else so doesn't need to be thrown away or recycled to be used again.
Recyclable eCommerce Packaging: Packaging that can be recycled after it's intended purpose can reappear as ecommerce packaging again and again through the paper recycling system!
What is eCommerce Packaging?
eCommerce packaging is packaging that has been specially designed for use in the ecommerce sector. Online shops will use ecommerce packaging to send out the orders they get through their websites and other online platforms. The term ecommerce packaging covers many different types of packaging from envelopes and bags to boxes and wraps.
Does Amazon use eCommerce Packaging?
Yes Amazon does use many different types of ecommerce packaging. They often use ecommerce envelopes, ecommerce wraps, and ecommerce boxes to send out orders from their distribution centres. Some designs of ecommerce packaging are so popular with Amazon that people often refer to them as Amazon type packaging, although they weren't the first to use them or design them!
eCommerce Packaging Solutions
eCommerce packaging solutions are special solutions that have been developed for specific ecommerce areas. Sending some products via courier needs a special solution to ensure the items arrive at their customer safe and sound so we develop custom ecommerce packaging solutions for each individual need. Sometimes the special packaging is just a better looking parcel, we've design bespoke ecommerce packaging solutions that deliver a WOW unboxing experience to the customer to make their purchase that little bit more memorable so they remember for next time they need to purchase.
eCommerce Packaging Bags
eCommerce packaging bags are packaging bags that are used for sending ecommerce orders, they can be paper or plastic, or a mixture of both. The most common styles of ecommerce bags are opaque poly mailers, paper mailing bags, jiffy padded bags, and bubble lined mailers. They are often very water resistant and designed to keep your online order dry and safe as parcels can be left out in the rain on customers door steps. eCommerce bags are available from stock in a wide range of sizes so you can be sure to find a size that fits your needs.
eCommerce Packaging Boxes
eCommerce packaging boxes are packaging boxes that have been designed specifically for use in the ecommerce retail sector. They are generally manufactured from cardboard and cover a range of different styles from standard 0201 styles to crash lock base pop-up boxes that increase packing speeds. They often also incorporate a peel & seal closure strip for easy sealing along with a tear open strip for frustration free opening. Some designs also include a returns peel & seal strip so the parcel can be easily resealed to return unwanted items in the same packaging.
Frequently Asked Questions about eCommerce Packaging
With so many different types and combinations of ecommerce packaging you'll probably have quite a few questions. We've answered some of the most common ones below, but if you have any other questions on ecommerce packaging please do get in touch, we have a helpful and friendly team ready and waiting to help. Call us on 02476 611234 or email
What is the difference between eCommerce Packaging and E-commerce Packaging?
There is no difference between eCommerce Packaging and E-commerce packaging! It's one of those words that has developed recently and two different variations of the same word have emerged. Whether you ask us for ecommerce or e-commerce packaging we'll know what you mean, but for us, we don't need the extra dash so we just call it ecommerce packaging.Can Ecommerce Packaging be Personalised with my Logo?
Yes ecommerce packaging can be personalised with your logos, brand messages, and brand colours. There are several different printing processes we can use to add your logos to ecommerce packaging depending on what the product is and what quantity you need. You need to keep in mind though that printing your logo onto packaging will incur setup costs.
How much should I expect to have to pay for Printing Setup Costs?
Giving costs on printing setup is very difficult because it depends very much on what type of box it is and what area the box covers. There are also other factors such as the detail in the print and what printing process/machine route is being used. However, most simple prints and cost effective machine routes you should expect to pay somewhere between £150 - £400 per printing plate. Each different colour you need to have printed will need a seperate printing plate, but multiple printing plate are usually more cost-effective.
Can my eCommerce Packaging be FSC Certified?
Yes we are members of an FSC certified group (FSC®-C004309) so you can ask us to produce your ecommerce packaging under the FSC certification scheme. If you choose for your packaging to be FSC certified it will be certified as either FSC Mix 70%, or FSC Recycled 100%.
Can you produce Fully Recyclable eCommerce Packaging?
Yes we can produce fully recyclable ecommerce packaging from paper and cardboard. This fully recyclable ecommerce packaging often carries the 100% recycled FSC Certification as well so you can be sure that the ecommerce packaging you are buying is as eco-friendly as possible.
What is a Memorable Unboxing Experience?