A Guide to Pharmaceutical Cardboard Packaging

14 September 2023 by
A Guide to Pharmaceutical Cardboard Packaging
Glenn Izard

Your Comprehensive Guide to Pharmaceutical Cardboard Packaging

Why Pharmaceutical Packaging Matters

Pharmaceutical packaging plays a crucial role in the healthcare industry, far beyond its function as a simple container. It serves as the first line of defense in ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical products, making it a critical component of the pharmaceutical supply chain. Every medication, from over-the-counter pain relievers to life-saving prescription drugs, relies on the integrity and quality of its packaging to reach patients in the best possible condition.

In the world of pharmaceuticals, packaging is not just about aesthetics; it's about safeguarding the health and well-being of patients. A poorly designed or compromised package can lead to contamination, degradation of the product, loss of potency, or even serious health risks if tampering occurs.

The Role of Cardboard in Pharmaceutical Packaging

Cardboard, a versatile and widely used material, plays a significant role in pharmaceutical packaging. Its popularity stems from its ability to strike a balance between protection, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. Cardboard packaging solutions offer a reliable means of safeguarding pharmaceutical products from external factors such as light, moisture, and temperature variations. Moreover, cardboard is known for its printability, allowing for branding, information dissemination, and regulatory compliance.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the various aspects of pharmaceutical cardboard packaging, exploring its importance, different types, design considerations, regulatory compliance, sustainability implications, and much more. Whether you're a pharmaceutical manufacturer, packaging designer, or simply someone interested in understanding the science behind the boxes that hold your medications, this guide is your go-to resource.

Purpose and Scope of This Guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide a thorough understanding of pharmaceutical cardboard packaging, from its foundational concepts to the latest innovations and regulatory requirements. It aims to equip you with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions regarding the packaging of pharmaceutical products or to simply appreciate the complexity and significance of this critical component of the healthcare industry.

Throughout the following sections, we will explore the diverse aspects of pharmaceutical cardboard packaging, helping you gain insights into its design, materials, compliance with regulations, sustainability practices, and future trends. By the end of this guide, you will have a comprehensive grasp of how cardboard packaging contributes to the safety, quality, and sustainability of pharmaceutical products.

Now, let's dive deeper into the world of pharmaceutical cardboard packaging and discover the key considerations that ensure the medicines you use are delivered to you with the utmost care and reliability.

The Importance of Pharmaceutical Packaging

Pharmaceutical packaging isn't merely about enclosing medications; it serves as a critical bridge between pharmaceutical manufacturers and patients. In this section, we'll explore the multifaceted importance of pharmaceutical packaging, highlighting its role in ensuring product safety, regulatory compliance, branding and marketing, as well as its impact on sustainability and the environment.

Ensuring Product Safety

The primary and most fundamental purpose of pharmaceutical packaging is to ensure the safety and integrity of the enclosed medications. It acts as a protective barrier against external elements that can compromise the quality and effectiveness of the drugs. Key aspects of product safety addressed by pharmaceutical packaging include:

  • Physical Protection: Packaging shields medications from physical damage, including impact, vibration, and compression during shipping, handling, and storage.

  • Chemical Protection: It prevents interaction with ambient gases, moisture, and light, which can lead to chemical degradation or contamination of the pharmaceuticals.

  • Microbial Protection: Packaging serves as a barrier against microorganisms, safeguarding against contamination that could render the medication unsafe for consumption.

  • Tamper Resistance: Tamper-evident packaging features are integrated to detect and deter unauthorized access or tampering with the medication.

Regulatory Compliance

The pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated to ensure the safety and efficacy of medications. Packaging materials, labeling, and design must comply with stringent regulations established by health authorities such as the FDA (in the U.S.), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and various international standards (ISO).

Compliance with these regulations is essential to gain approval for pharmaceutical products and maintain product quality throughout their lifecycle. In this context, pharmaceutical packaging must adhere to guidelines regarding child-resistant packaging, serialization, labeling requirements, and more.

Branding and Marketing Considerations

Pharmaceutical packaging is a powerful tool for branding and marketing. It serves as the face of the product, conveying critical information to healthcare professionals and patients. Elements such as color, typography, and design contribute to brand recognition and differentiation in a competitive market.

Additionally, packaging can carry essential information, including dosage instructions, usage guidelines, expiration dates, and warnings, ensuring that patients understand how to use the medication safely and effectively.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

As global awareness of environmental issues grows, the pharmaceutical industry is increasingly focused on sustainable packaging solutions. Cardboard, as a renewable and recyclable material, plays a vital role in reducing the environmental footprint of pharmaceutical packaging.

Sustainability initiatives include minimizing packaging waste, optimizing packaging sizes to reduce transportation emissions, and exploring eco-friendly coatings and inks for printing. The adoption of sustainable practices not only aligns with corporate responsibility goals but also resonates with environmentally conscious consumers.

Understanding the multifaceted importance of pharmaceutical packaging sets the stage for exploring the role of cardboard in this critical sector. In the following sections, we'll delve deeper into the types of pharmaceutical cardboard packaging and the various considerations that shape their design and functionality.

Types of Pharmaceutical Cardboard Packaging

Pharmaceutical cardboard packaging comes in various forms, each tailored to meet specific needs and requirements. In this section, we'll explore the diverse types of cardboard packaging commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry. These options include folding cartons, chipboard boxes, corrugated boxes, blister cards, tamper-evident packaging, and child-resistant packaging.

Folding Cartons

Folding cartons are one of the most prevalent forms of pharmaceutical cardboard packaging. They are often used for packaging items like blister packs, vials, and bottles. Folding cartons are designed to be easily folded into a three-dimensional box shape, providing protection to the enclosed product. They are ideal for displaying product information, branding, and dosage instructions on the outer surface. Folding cartons offer a balance between cost-effectiveness and customization, making them a versatile choice for many pharmaceutical products.

Chipboard Boxes

Chipboard boxes, sometimes referred to as paperboard boxes, are commonly used for packaging pharmaceuticals. These boxes are typically made from lightweight, solid, and uncorrugated paperboard. Chipboard packaging is suitable for various pharmaceutical applications, including packaging for tablets, capsules, and smaller medical devices. They offer a clean, professional appearance and are often used for over-the-counter medications.

Corrugated Boxes

While corrugated boxes are more commonly associated with shipping and distribution, they also have applications in pharmaceutical packaging. These boxes are made from multiple layers of corrugated cardboard and provide excellent protection during transit. For pharmaceuticals that require bulk packaging, especially for larger quantities of medications, corrugated boxes are a reliable choice.

Blister Cards

Blister cards combine cardboard backing with a clear plastic blister to securely hold individual doses of medication. This packaging type is commonly used for tablets, capsules, and other solid dosage forms. Blister cards not only protect the medication from external factors but also provide a convenient way for patients to access and track their doses.

Tamper-Evident Packaging

Ensuring the integrity of pharmaceutical products is of paramount importance. Tamper-evident packaging includes features that make it evident if the packaging has been tampered with or opened before purchase. These features, such as seals, tapes, or breakable caps, provide an added layer of security for consumers, assuring them that the product inside is safe and genuine.

Child-Resistant Packaging

Child-resistant packaging is designed to prevent young children from accidentally ingesting medications. It often involves complex closures or mechanisms that can be challenging for children to open but can be easily accessed by adults. Child-resistant packaging is crucial for prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs that may be harmful if consumed in large quantities.

Understanding the various types of pharmaceutical cardboard packaging is essential for pharmaceutical manufacturers, as it enables them to choose the most appropriate packaging solution based on the product's nature, intended use, and safety considerations. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into design and printing considerations, materials used, and regulatory compliance in pharmaceutical cardboard packaging.

Design and Printing Considerations

Designing pharmaceutical cardboard packaging is a complex process that goes beyond aesthetics. It involves several critical considerations to ensure the packaging not only protects the medication but also communicates essential information and complies with regulatory requirements. In this section, we'll explore the key design and printing considerations in pharmaceutical cardboard packaging.

Designing for Brand Identity

Effective pharmaceutical packaging design is integral to establishing and maintaining brand identity. It's essential to create packaging that not only reflects the brand's values but also differentiates its products in a competitive market. Key design elements include:

  • Branding Elements: Incorporating logos, brand colors, and brand messages consistently across packaging to enhance recognition.

  • Typography: Selecting fonts that are legible and align with the brand's image and message.

  • Imagery: Including images or graphics that resonate with the target audience and convey the product's purpose.

  • Layout: Organizing information, such as dosage instructions and warnings, in a clear and user-friendly manner.

Security Features and Anti-Counterfeiting Measures

Pharmaceutical products are susceptible to counterfeiting, which poses serious risks to public health. To combat counterfeiting, pharmaceutical packaging often includes security features and anti-counterfeiting measures, such as:

  • Holograms: Holographic labels or elements that are difficult to replicate.

  • Tamper-Evident Seals: Seals that break or show visible signs of tampering when the package is opened.

  • QR Codes and Barcodes: These allow consumers and healthcare professionals to verify the authenticity of the product through smartphone apps or scanners.

  • Unique Serialization: Assigning a unique serial number to each product unit for traceability.

Informational Requirements

Pharmaceutical packaging must convey a wealth of information to ensure safe and effective use. This information includes:

  • Dosage Instructions: Clear and concise instructions on how to use the medication.

  • Active Ingredients: A list of active ingredients and their concentrations.

  • Warnings and Precautions: Information on potential side effects, interactions, and who should avoid the medication.

  • Expiration Date: The date beyond which the medication may not be effective.

  • Batch Number: A unique identifier for tracking and recalls.

Designing the packaging to accommodate this information while maintaining an attractive and user-friendly appearance is a significant challenge.

Printing Techniques and Technology

Printing technology plays a crucial role in pharmaceutical packaging. High-quality printing ensures that text and graphics are sharp, legible, and long-lasting. Common printing techniques used in pharmaceutical packaging include:

  • Offset Printing: Suitable for high-quality graphics and detailed images.

  • Flexographic Printing: Ideal for larger print runs and simpler designs.

  • Digital Printing: Allows for variable data printing, making serialization and personalization more accessible.

  • Ink Selection: Choosing inks that are safe, durable, and resistant to moisture and abrasion.

Effective collaboration between packaging designers, regulatory experts, and printing specialists is vital to creating pharmaceutical packaging that meets both aesthetic and functional requirements.

In the next section, we'll explore the materials used in pharmaceutical cardboard packaging, another critical aspect of creating safe and effective packaging solutions for pharmaceutical products.

Materials Used in Pharmaceutical Cardboard Packaging

Selecting the right materials for pharmaceutical cardboard packaging is essential to ensure the safety, quality, and sustainability of pharmaceutical products. In this section, we'll delve into the considerations and choices surrounding the materials used in pharmaceutical packaging.

Materials Selection Criteria

Choosing the appropriate materials for pharmaceutical packaging involves a careful evaluation of several factors, including:

  • Product Compatibility: Materials must be compatible with the pharmaceutical product they are intended to package, ensuring there is no interaction between the product and the packaging material.

  • Barrier Properties: Packaging materials should provide adequate barriers against factors like light, moisture, oxygen, and microbial contamination, depending on the product's requirements.

  • Physical Protection: Materials should protect the medication from physical damage during handling, shipping, and storage.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Packaging materials must meet regulatory standards and guidelines set forth by health authorities, such as the FDA and EMA.

  • Sustainability: An increasing focus on sustainability has led to the consideration of eco-friendly and recyclable materials.

Sustainability in Medical Packaging

Sustainability is a growing concern in the pharmaceutical industry, and packaging plays a significant role in addressing this issue. Sustainable packaging practices include:

  • Reducing Material Usage: Designing packaging that uses less material without compromising protection.

  • Recyclability: Choosing materials that are easily recyclable, such as cardboard, which can be repurposed into new packaging or other products.

  • Biodegradability: Exploring materials that naturally break down without harming the environment.

  • Eco-Friendly Inks and Coatings: Using inks and coatings that are environmentally safe.

Recyclability and Biodegradability

Cardboard, as a primary material in pharmaceutical packaging, offers several sustainability advantages. It is highly recyclable, which means that cardboard packaging can be collected, processed, and reused in the production of new packaging materials. Moreover, cardboard is biodegradable, meaning it breaks down naturally over time, reducing the long-term environmental impact of packaging waste.

Specialty Coatings and Laminates

To enhance the performance of cardboard in pharmaceutical packaging, specialty coatings and laminates are often applied. These coatings can provide various benefits, including:

  • Moisture Resistance: Coatings can protect against moisture, which is crucial for medications that are sensitive to humidity.

  • Barrier Properties: Specialty coatings can improve the barrier properties of cardboard, helping to preserve the product's integrity.

  • Enhanced Printing: Some coatings improve the printability of cardboard, ensuring that information and branding are sharp and durable.

  • Tamper Resistance: Coatings can be designed to make tampering more evident.

Incorporating these materials and coatings into pharmaceutical cardboard packaging can result in safer, more environmentally friendly, and regulatory-compliant packaging solutions.

In the following sections, we will explore the nuances of regulatory compliance in pharmaceutical packaging, addressing the stringent requirements imposed by health authorities to ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.

Regulatory Compliance and Safety Standards

Pharmaceutical packaging is subject to stringent regulatory requirements to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of medications. In this section, we will delve into the complex landscape of regulatory compliance and safety standards that govern pharmaceutical cardboard packaging.

FDA Regulations (for the U.S. Market)

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets forth comprehensive regulations for pharmaceutical packaging. These regulations cover various aspects, including:

  • Container Closure Systems: The FDA requires that pharmaceutical packaging must maintain the integrity of the drug product and protect it from contamination.

  • Tamper-Evident Packaging: Certain over-the-counter (OTC) medications must have tamper-evident packaging to safeguard against tampering.

  • Labeling Requirements: Strict guidelines dictate the information that must be present on pharmaceutical packaging labels, including dosage instructions, warnings, and expiration dates.

  • Serialization: To combat counterfeiting, the FDA mandates serialization, requiring unique identifiers on packaging to track products throughout the supply chain.

European Medicines Agency (EMA) Guidelines

In Europe, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) provides guidelines for pharmaceutical packaging and labeling. These guidelines aim to ensure that pharmaceutical products meet the highest quality and safety standards. They cover areas such as:

  • Child-Resistant Packaging: EMA guidelines require child-resistant packaging for specific pharmaceutical products to prevent accidental ingestion by children.

  • Tamper-Evident Packaging: Similar to the FDA, EMA emphasizes the importance of tamper-evident packaging to prevent tampering and contamination.

  • Information Leaflets: Packaging must include patient information leaflets providing essential information about the medication and its safe use.

International Standards (ISO)

International organizations like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have developed standards that apply to pharmaceutical packaging on a global scale. ISO standards cover areas such as:

  • ISO 11607: This standard focuses on packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices and provides guidelines for ensuring the sterility of the product.

  • ISO 15378: It specifies requirements for the quality management system of manufacturers of pharmaceutical packaging materials.

  • ISO 13485: This standard outlines the requirements for a quality management system for organizations involved in medical device manufacturing.

Serialization and Track-and-Trace Requirements

Counterfeiting remains a significant concern in the pharmaceutical industry, threatening patient safety. As a result, many countries have implemented serialization and track-and-trace requirements. These systems involve assigning unique serial numbers to each unit of pharmaceutical product and tracking its movement through the supply chain. This helps ensure the authenticity and integrity of the products.

Compliance with these regulatory requirements is paramount for pharmaceutical manufacturers, as non-compliance can result in serious consequences, including product recalls and legal penalties. It also underscores the critical role of pharmaceutical packaging in maintaining product safety and regulatory adherence.

In the subsequent sections, we will explore quality control and assurance measures in pharmaceutical packaging, addressing the rigorous testing and validation procedures that are essential to meeting regulatory standards and ensuring product quality.

Quality Control and Assurance

Ensuring the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products through packaging requires rigorous quality control and assurance processes. In this section, we'll delve into the essential quality control and assurance measures that pharmaceutical manufacturers implement to meet regulatory standards and maintain the highest level of product quality.

Testing and Validation Procedures

Quality control begins with testing and validation procedures that assess the packaging's performance and its ability to protect the pharmaceutical product. Key testing and validation processes include:

  • Container Closure Integrity Testing: This evaluates the ability of the packaging to maintain an airtight seal, ensuring that the product remains uncontaminated throughout its shelf life.

  • Barrier Properties Testing: To determine the packaging's ability to block moisture, oxygen, and other external factors that could degrade the product.

  • Print Quality Testing: Ensures that printed information on the packaging, including dosage instructions, expiration dates, and batch numbers, is clear, accurate, and legible.

  • Child-Resistant Testing: Ensures that child-resistant packaging functions as intended, preventing accidental ingestion by children while remaining accessible to adults.

  • Tamper-Evident Testing: Verifies that tamper-evident features are effective in detecting and deterring tampering with the packaging.

Quality Assurance Protocols

Quality assurance is an ongoing process that ensures that pharmaceutical packaging consistently meets established quality standards. Key aspects of quality assurance in pharmaceutical packaging include:

  • Documented Procedures: Creating and maintaining comprehensive documentation of all packaging processes, including design, testing, and production, to ensure consistency and traceability.

  • Supplier Audits: Regularly auditing and evaluating suppliers of packaging materials to ensure they meet quality standards and adhere to regulatory requirements.

  • Risk Assessment: Conducting risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with packaging materials, design, and production processes.

  • Change Control: Implementing a structured change control process to manage any modifications to packaging materials or processes to prevent unintended consequences.

  • Batch Records: Maintaining detailed records of packaging processes and materials for each batch of pharmaceutical products to facilitate traceability and recall if necessary.

Effective quality control and assurance not only help meet regulatory requirements but also build trust with consumers and healthcare professionals, ensuring that medications are safe, reliable, and effective.

In the upcoming sections, we will explore the challenges and innovations in pharmaceutical packaging, highlighting the evolving landscape of the industry and the cutting-edge solutions that address emerging needs and concerns.

Challenges and Innovations in Pharmaceutical Packaging

The field of pharmaceutical packaging is constantly evolving to address emerging challenges and leverage innovative solutions. In this section, we will explore the persistent challenges faced by the industry, as well as the exciting innovations that are shaping the future of pharmaceutical packaging.

Challenges Faced by the Industry

Counterfeiting and Tampering

The pharmaceutical industry continues to grapple with counterfeit drugs and tampering issues. Criminal networks counterfeit medications, endangering patient safety. Effective anti-counterfeiting measures and tamper-evident packaging are essential to combat these threats.


Sustainability is a growing concern for pharmaceutical manufacturers. Reducing the environmental footprint of packaging materials, optimizing packaging sizes to reduce waste, and adopting eco-friendly practices are all challenges that the industry must address.

Cost Pressures

Pharmaceutical companies are under constant pressure to reduce costs while maintaining the quality and safety of their products. This includes finding cost-effective packaging solutions that don't compromise product protection.

Emerging Trends and Innovations

Smart Packaging

Smart packaging integrates technology into pharmaceutical packaging to provide real-time information and improve patient adherence. Examples include blister packs with electronic sensors that track medication use or QR codes that link to digital patient resources.

Sustainable Materials

The industry is exploring biodegradable and renewable packaging materials to reduce its environmental impact. Innovations include bioplastics, recycled cardboard, and coatings that enhance recyclability.

Serialization and Track-and-Trace

Global efforts to combat counterfeit drugs have led to the widespread implementation of serialization and track-and-trace systems. These systems use unique identifiers to track products throughout the supply chain, enhancing security.

Personalized Packaging

Advances in digital printing technology enable personalized packaging, allowing pharmaceutical companies to tailor packaging to individual patient needs, improving medication adherence and patient outcomes.

Robotics and Automation

Automation in packaging processes is improving efficiency and reducing human errors. Robots can handle tasks such as filling, capping, and labeling, ensuring precision and consistency.

Sustainable Practices

Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly adopting sustainable practices, including reducing packaging waste, implementing green supply chains, and using sustainable energy sources.

The pharmaceutical packaging industry faces both challenges and opportunities as it adapts to an evolving landscape. Innovations in materials, technology, and sustainability practices are poised to drive positive change in the industry, ensuring the safe and efficient delivery of pharmaceutical products to patients worldwide.

In the following section, we will delve into the environmental impact and sustainability considerations in pharmaceutical packaging, discussing the industry's efforts to minimize its ecological footprint.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is a pressing concern in today's world, and the pharmaceutical industry is actively taking steps to minimize its ecological footprint through sustainable packaging practices. In this section, we will explore the environmental impact of pharmaceutical packaging and the industry's efforts to adopt sustainable solutions.

Sustainable Packaging Practices

Reduced Packaging Waste

Pharmaceutical companies are working to minimize packaging waste by optimizing the size and design of packaging materials. Smaller packaging sizes not only reduce waste but also lower transportation costs and emissions.

Eco-Friendly Materials

The industry is increasingly using eco-friendly materials such as recyclable cardboard, biodegradable plastics, and sustainable inks. These materials reduce the environmental impact of packaging.

Recycling Programs

Pharmaceutical companies are implementing recycling programs to encourage consumers to return empty medication packaging for recycling, reducing landfill waste.

Green Supply Chains

Sustainability efforts extend to supply chains, where companies are working with suppliers that adhere to eco-friendly practices and reducing emissions in transportation and distribution.

Life Cycle Analysis of Cardboard Packaging

Cardboard packaging is particularly well-suited for sustainability efforts due to its recyclability and biodegradability. A life cycle analysis of cardboard packaging examines its environmental impact throughout its entire life cycle, from production to disposal. Key findings include:

  • Raw Material Sourcing: Sustainable forestry practices and responsible sourcing contribute to a lower environmental impact.

  • Production: Efficient manufacturing processes and the use of clean energy sources reduce the carbon footprint.

  • Transportation: Lightweight cardboard packaging reduces transportation emissions.

  • Recycling: The recyclability of cardboard ensures that it can be repurposed into new packaging materials or other products, reducing waste.

Initiatives and Collaborations for Sustainable Packaging

Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly collaborating with industry organizations, government agencies, and non-profits to drive sustainability initiatives in packaging. These collaborations aim to:

  • Develop and share best practices for sustainable packaging design and materials.
  • Create industry standards for eco-friendly packaging.
  • Educate consumers and healthcare professionals about the importance of recycling pharmaceutical packaging.

Sustainability in pharmaceutical packaging is not only a corporate responsibility but also a competitive advantage as environmentally conscious consumers seek products with reduced environmental impact.

In the final section of this guide, we will explore the future of pharmaceutical cardboard packaging, considering technological advancements, changing consumer expectations, and evolving regulatory requirements that will shape the industry's path forward.


To ensure clarity and comprehension of the terminology used in pharmaceutical cardboard packaging, we've compiled a glossary of key terms and phrases:

Key Terminology Related to Pharmaceutical Packaging

  1. Cardboard Packaging: Packaging made from cardboard material, commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry for its durability, printability, and eco-friendliness.
  2. Container Closure Integrity Testing: Testing to ensure that the packaging maintains an airtight seal, preventing contamination of the pharmaceutical product.
  3. Counterfeit Drugs: Fake medications that imitate genuine pharmaceutical products, posing serious health risks to consumers.
  4. Digital Printing: Printing technology that allows for variable data printing, enabling customization and personalization in packaging.
  5. Eco-Friendly Materials: Packaging materials that are environmentally sustainable, recyclable, biodegradable, or made from renewable resources.
  6. FDA (Food and Drug Administration): The regulatory agency in the United States responsible for ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of pharmaceutical products, including their packaging.
  7. Life Cycle Analysis: An assessment of the environmental impact of a product or material throughout its entire life cycle, from production to disposal.
  8. Quality Control: A set of procedures and processes aimed at ensuring that products meet established quality standards.
  9. Serialization: The process of assigning unique serial numbers to individual product units for traceability and anti-counterfeiting purposes.
  10. Smart Packaging: Packaging that integrates technology to provide real-time information, such as medication usage, to consumers or healthcare professionals.
  11. Sustainability: Practices that reduce environmental impact and promote the responsible use of resources in packaging design and production.
  12. Tamper-Evident Packaging: Packaging that includes features to detect and deter tampering, ensuring the safety and integrity of pharmaceutical products.
  13. Traceability: The ability to track and trace products throughout the supply chain to ensure authenticity and safety.

This glossary serves as a reference to clarify the terminology used in pharmaceutical cardboard packaging, helping you navigate the complexities of this vital industry.

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